Infusion Logo Corporate Logo

Where Exclusivity Meets Unforgettable Experiences


Biscotti R35
Motor Breath R27
Alaskan Grape R16
Gelato R42
Amnesia Haze R18


Biscotti R35
Motor Breath R27
Alaskan Grape R16
Gelato R42
Amnesia Haze R18

Pre Roll

Biscotti R35
Motor Breath R27
Alaskan Grape R16
Gelato R42
Amnesia Haze R18


Asian Slaw $35
Broccoli Salad $27
Pasta Salad $16
Rainbow Orzo $42
Creamy Salad $18


Apricot Vinaigrette $45
Lemon Vinaigrette $32
Green Papaya $17
Falafel Salad $23
Rhubarb Salad $55


Farro Salad $43
Burrata Salad $16
Bacon Vinaigrette $33
Gorgonzola Salad $19
Sprouts Salad $28
Customer Satisfaction Survey Template
Please help us improve our products/services by completing this questionnaire.

Would you recommend this company to a friend or colleague?

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Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with our company?

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Part 2/4: Service/Product Assessment

Which of the following words would you use to describe our products/services? Select all that apply.

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How would you rate the quality of the website? (from 1 to 10)*

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Part 3/4:Customer Care

How responsive have we been to your questions or concerns about our products/services?

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At what email address would you like to be contacted?

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Part 4/4: Additional Feedback

Do you have any other comments, questions, or concerns?

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