Olio Cbd Pure 30ml (1000mg)


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Olio Cbd Pure 30ml (1000mg)


Olio Cbd Pure 30ml (1000mg)

  • Our restructured oil blend has been nanoemulsified and contains a powerful CBD concentrate with a synergistic terpene blend for enhanced entourage effects, as well as increased bioavailability to promote general health and immunity.
  • Use: Take 2 to 5 drops sublingually in the morning, afternoon and evening, or when necessary.
  • Titrate dosage upwards every 3 days until satisfied.
  • Storage: Store below 25°C out of direct sunlight.
  • Do not exceed the maximum recommended dosage of 20mg (40 Drops) of CBD, unless under the supervision of a healthcare professional, pharmacist or doctor.
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